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Successful Case


The mystery of epilepsy’s breaking out-cerebral infarction


    作者:    时间:2011-05-05   编辑:闫姗姗   点击次数:7154

Artery blockade caused by cerebral infarction makes topical nerve tissue oxygen deficit to cause epilepsy, then it occurs encephaledema to raise intracranial pressure and the death of cerebral texture to cause epilepsy; the decreasing of cerebral blood volume and irritation of cerebral oxygen deficit also cause epilepsy.

Mr. Chen was 29-year-old. He burst into shouting suddenly half a year ago, his hands clenched; his legs straightened and twitched to fall down; the situation lasted 5 minutes, half an hour later he came to normality and he could not remember what had happened. He was in local hospital for 3 days’ treatment, there were not any abnormalities by cerebral CT, he took 7 days’ medicine and then stopped. 3 months ago, he had crooked month to the right and limbs felt tired, but no twitch. The local hospital considered he mightget epilepsy and gave him epilepsy treatment, Mr. Chen stopped all the medicine of treating epilepsy a month ago and started to take medicinal herbs. He got up in the morning but fell off his bed 2 days ago, his eyes stared at the left, mouth crooked to the left; his hands clenched and legs straightened; several minutes later his body relaxed with no response; his right body could not move. He was sent to local hospital immediately, cerebral CT showed his left brain had abnormality and the top of his left brain cavity was oppressed. He was given heteropathy and he stopped twitching. To further treatment, he came to GuangDong 999 Brain Hospital.

Magnetic resonance showed:

Blood supply section of left brain had lots of infarction, two sides of thalamencephalon had infarction, MRA showed his left brain had artery emphraxis.

Treatment circumstances:

After admitting, she was improved relative checking and cleared diagnosis; she was given to control blood pressure and fought for collection of blood platelet with some early recovery treatment. His body temperature returned to normality and no epilepsy. His mind was clear and was able to eat by himself; he could speak a few words. He had facial paralysis on the right and slobbered. His right upper extremity could touch his apex nasi when he sat down; his right hand could hold rolls and his right lower extremity walked as usual. Now his condition was turning back gradually.

He reviewed a month later:

The colloid substance around infarction section increased. MRA showed his left brain still had artery emphraxis.


Wang Wensheng director of Diagnostic Imaging Center in GuangDong 999 Brain Hospital says: cerebral infarction takes 50%-80% of the acute cerebrovascular diseases, causes of the disease have: 1.Cerebral thromobosis forms to cause cerebral arteriosclerosis, aneurysm, blood vessel abnormality and angitis. 2.Cerebral embolism, such as thrombus, air and fat embolism. 3.Hypopiesia and curor status. The most common thrombus forming on the basis of artery cirrhosis, and more happening on the persons of above 40 years old. It gets worse in a short time, CT and MRI can ensure the disease range and period.

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